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MGMT 361 - International Business Operations

International Business Operations explained how different parts of the world can vary in many different ways, especially in business. Before expanding, much research and consideration must be taken to ensure that the business will, in fact, stay running. There could be certain laws or standards in place that would deplete the function of the company. Understanding that not everything will be the same in every location is important, especially when dealing with people. Researching the culture before conducting business is a wise choice, because anything considered "disrespectful" to their culture could also cost business. 


Learning about other cultures has always been very interesting and eye-opening. Whether it be the food, the people, or the customs they present, it has always been a pleasure to be apart of learning through that. This course helped me achieve more of that through discussion with other classmates and my professor, as well as watching clips from different parts of the world. I learned the most about conducting business within Singapore, a hybrid culture. They were able to merge Western culture with their own culture to create this unique business hub. 



Case Study 

The background of the case study is discussed within the paper. This case was an example of what could happen when someone decides to go international without researching the culture of that nation. It was interesting to work on, because there are many possible ways that this could be handled, but dependent on who is asked depends on what answer you'd get. Finding the knowledge to back up my response was the best part, for me. Many combinations of ideas could happen, which is where I used the knowledge gained from MGMT426, with the use of the Lean Startup, trail and error concept. 




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